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88 Results found for attorney general eric holder

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The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday refused to review the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision striking down the Republican-led General Assembly’s laws requiring voter identification at the polls, altering early voting
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday refused to review the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision striking down the Republican-led General Assembly’s laws requiring voter identification at the polls, altering early voting
This article will explain why the Executive Order and the temporary travel ban is legal and appropriate and why I think it will ultimately be upheld.
This article will explain why the Executive Order and the temporary travel ban is legal and appropriate and why I think it will ultimately be upheld.
The Obama White House has run arguably the most anti-law enforcement administration in history.
The rioting in the Wisconsin city of Milwaukee - that resulted from an alleged shooting death of an African American armed-suspect by a black police officer - is yet more evidence of the racial disharmony that's intensifying under the current government and civil-rights leaders.
The rioting in the Wisconsin city of Milwaukee - that resulted from an alleged shooting death of an African American armed-suspect by a black police officer - is yet more evidence of the racial disharmony that's intensifying under the current government and civil-rights leaders.
As regular readers already know, civil asset forfeiture is a legal process that empowers government agents to confiscate property they suspect has been used for, or derived from, criminal activity. It is a civil action against the property itself, which means the owner need not be convicted of a...
As regular readers already know, civil asset forfeiture is a legal process that empowers government agents to confiscate property they suspect has been used for, or derived from, criminal activity. It is a civil action against the property itself, which means the owner need not be convicted of a...
Voters, candidates, and political partisans exchanged sharply divided views and occasional vitriol Monday in a marathon public hearing about North Carolina congressional redistricting in the wake of a federal court decision placing the scheduled March 15 primary in jeopardy
Voters, candidates, and political partisans exchanged sharply divided views and occasional vitriol Monday in a marathon public hearing about North Carolina congressional redistricting in the wake of a federal court decision placing the scheduled March 15 primary in jeopardy
The much heralded Investigation of the Terrorist Attack resumes today, with Hillary B. Clinton testifying before the Benghazi Select Committee.
The much heralded Investigation of the Terrorist Attack resumes today, with Hillary B. Clinton testifying before the Benghazi Select Committee.
Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) today released the following statement on Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch
Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) today released the following statement on Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch
Michael Brown is Dead. Cut down in the prime of his life by a hail of police bullets, denying this young man the opportunity to live a full productive life, bolstered by the accrued resounding wisdom of a life lived well. It is a tragedy of mammoth proportions.
Michael Brown is Dead. Cut down in the prime of his life by a hail of police bullets, denying this young man the opportunity to live a full productive life, bolstered by the accrued resounding wisdom of a life lived well. It is a tragedy of mammoth proportions.
US Attorney General Eric Holder has been subjected to a good deal of criticism during his time in office, but even many of his fiercest critics have joined the chorus of praise for an order he signed last week entitled "Prohibition on Certain Federal Adoptions of Seizures by State and Local Law...
US Attorney General Eric Holder has been subjected to a good deal of criticism during his time in office, but even many of his fiercest critics have joined the chorus of praise for an order he signed last week entitled "Prohibition on Certain Federal Adoptions of Seizures by State and Local Law...
No, we’re not talking about The Coal Miner’s Daughter. We’re talking about the low-key New York prosecutor nominated by BarryO to replace the godawful, horrific Eric Holder as US Attorney General.
No, we’re not talking about The Coal Miner’s Daughter. We’re talking about the low-key New York prosecutor nominated by BarryO to replace the godawful, horrific Eric Holder as US Attorney General.
Lawless Attorney General Eric Holder will resign today, leaving his top client Amateur Obama in a less defensible in regards to the long list of scandals that plague his administration, which well reflects The Amateur's poor ability to make wise or even truthful decisions. position
Lawless Attorney General Eric Holder will resign today, leaving his top client Amateur Obama in a less defensible in regards to the long list of scandals that plague his administration, which well reflects The Amateur's poor ability to make wise or even truthful decisions. position
Late last week, Congressman Walter B. Jones (NC-3) voted in favor of a bill preventing President Barack Obama from bypassing Congress to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants.
Late last week, Congressman Walter B. Jones (NC-3) voted in favor of a bill preventing President Barack Obama from bypassing Congress to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants.
Congressman Walter Jones takes action and relates it to his constituents through these press releases.
Congressman Walter Jones takes action and relates it to his constituents through these press releases.
Remarks made by an associate justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court at a Democratic Party fund-raising dinner, as well as her membership in a private organization, raise serious questions about her possible bias against the state's new voter ID law.
Remarks made by an associate justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court at a Democratic Party fund-raising dinner, as well as her membership in a private organization, raise serious questions about her possible bias against the state's new voter ID law.
There's an old newsroom adage that if a dog bites a man, it's not news, but if a man bites a dog, it is. For those who don't understand this musty aphorism, it means that something being unusual greatly adds to its newsworthiness.
There's an old newsroom adage that if a dog bites a man, it's not news, but if a man bites a dog, it is. For those who don't understand this musty aphorism, it means that something being unusual greatly adds to its newsworthiness.
Today, Congressman Walter B. Jones (NC-3) voted in favor of legislation to prevent the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) from unfairly targeting tax-exempt organizations based on their political affiliations.
Today, Congressman Walter B. Jones (NC-3) voted in favor of legislation to prevent the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) from unfairly targeting tax-exempt organizations based on their political affiliations.
Much has been said and written about the election law reform legislation known as VIVA (Voter Identification Verification Act  -  HB 589) - but too many of the reports are misleading or just plain wrong.
Much has been said and written about the election law reform legislation known as VIVA (Voter Identification Verification Act  -  HB 589) - but too many of the reports are misleading or just plain wrong.
Much has been said and written about the election law reform legislation known as VIVA (Voter Identification Verification Act  -  HB 589)  -  but too many of the reports are misleading or just plain wrong.
Much has been said and written about the election law reform legislation known as VIVA (Voter Identification Verification Act  -  HB 589)  -  but too many of the reports are misleading or just plain wrong.
Gov. Pat McCrory's chief legal counsel said Tuesday that the governor, a Republican, decided to hire an outside lawyer to defend a lawsuit over the state's new voter identification and election law because of public statements about the law from Democratic state Attorney General Roy Cooper.
Gov. Pat McCrory's chief legal counsel said Tuesday that the governor, a Republican, decided to hire an outside lawyer to defend a lawsuit over the state's new voter identification and election law because of public statements about the law from Democratic state Attorney General Roy Cooper.
Strange behavior can always be found in politicians, you just got to know where to look.
In 2011, President Obama called for a more civil discourse to “make sure that we are talking with each other in a way that heals, not a way that wounds.”
In 2011, President Obama called for a more civil discourse to “make sure that we are talking with each other in a way that heals, not a way that wounds.”
In 2011, President Obama called for a more civil discourse to "make sure that we are talking with each other in a way that heals, not a way that wounds." Unfortunately, Gene Nichol, Boyd Tinsley Distinguished Professor - and former dean - at UNC-Chapel Hill's law school, appears to have no...
In 2011, President Obama called for a more civil discourse to "make sure that we are talking with each other in a way that heals, not a way that wounds." Unfortunately, Gene Nichol, Boyd Tinsley Distinguished Professor - and former dean - at UNC-Chapel Hill's law school, appears to have no...
No, I'm not speculating about the president's strategies for implementing his health care law or besting Congressional Republicans in budget battles. Today's topic is closer to home: the decision by Attorney General Eric Holder to file a lawsuit alleging that North Carolina's new election law...
No, I'm not speculating about the president's strategies for implementing his health care law or besting Congressional Republicans in budget battles. Today's topic is closer to home: the decision by Attorney General Eric Holder to file a lawsuit alleging that North Carolina's new election law...
Gov. Pat McCrory on Monday struck back at the federal government, saying the U.S. Department of Justice was "working in the fringes." McCrory, a Republican, said the state would defend the lawsuit filed by the Democratic administration of President Barack Obama against the state's new election...
Gov. Pat McCrory on Monday struck back at the federal government, saying the U.S. Department of Justice was "working in the fringes." McCrory, a Republican, said the state would defend the lawsuit filed by the Democratic administration of President Barack Obama against the state's new election...
It is telling that when Washington decides to attack North Carolina's new voting reforms, the nation's top legal authority paints a misleading picture of those laws.
It is telling that when Washington decides to attack North Carolina's new voting reforms, the nation's top legal authority paints a misleading picture of those laws.
Governor Pat McCrory today criticized Attorney General Eric Holder's decision to challenge North Carolina's common sense voter-ID requirement, calling it a meritless federal overreach.
Governor Pat McCrory today criticized Attorney General Eric Holder's decision to challenge North Carolina's common sense voter-ID requirement, calling it a meritless federal overreach.
Egged on by Kay Hagan — our senior US senator who also, BTW, happens to be Chuck Schumer’s sock puppet — Barry Obama has dispatched his attorney general Eric Holder to sue North Carolina over its new law requiring photo ID to vote in the state’s elections.
Egged on by Kay Hagan — our senior US senator who also, BTW, happens to be Chuck Schumer’s sock puppet — Barry Obama has dispatched his attorney general Eric Holder to sue North Carolina over its new law requiring photo ID to vote in the state’s elections.
It's demise was part of the draconian elections overhaul passed by the legislature and signed by the governor last month that makes it harder for North Carolinians to register and vote.
It's demise was part of the draconian elections overhaul passed by the legislature and signed by the governor last month that makes it harder for North Carolinians to register and vote.
Yesterday, despite being warned of its consequences, Gov. Pat McCrory signed HB 589 into law.
Yesterday, despite being warned of its consequences, Gov. Pat McCrory signed HB 589 into law.
Most people need a manager. President Obama's boys are managed. It's just not making them any smarter.
Rep. Paul "Skip" Stam, R-Wake, the House speaker pro tem, says a provision passed late in the General Assembly's session - giving lawmakers...
Rep. Paul "Skip" Stam, R-Wake, the House speaker pro tem, says a provision passed late in the General Assembly's session - giving lawmakers...
The Constitution provides for such removal from office if the public servant breaks the law, so I reiterate: When will Attorney General Eric Holder be Impeached?
The Constitution provides for such removal from office if the public servant breaks the law, so I reiterate: When will Attorney General Eric Holder be Impeached?
Seriously folks, there are much larger issues to bear here today in our broken federal government; however ....
Seriously folks, there are much larger issues to bear here today in our broken federal government; however ....
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